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  • jim 7:46 pm on August 18, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: dlc, , retro, reviews,   

    Review Round-up: Bionic Commando Rearmed 

    The remake of the classic NES platformer Bionic Commando was recently released on XBLA, PSN and PC recently so here’s another collection of reviews from the net.

    1UP A

    “If you enjoy a well-crafted action game, you’d be remiss in skipping Rearmed — even if you couldn’t care less about NES games.”

    Giant Bomb 5/5

    “Bionic Commando: Rearmed is a superb remake that should appeal to old and new fans of the NES classic.”

    IGN 9.4

    “Bionic Commando Rearmed sets a new benchmark for downloadable console games. The best elements of the original are back, but have been upgraded to be better than before.”

    Gamespot 7.5

    “The updated graphics and new modes in Bionic Commando Rearmed aren’t quite enough to distract from the cumbersome controls.”

  • jim 9:16 pm on July 31, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , retro, review,   

    Review Round-up: Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 

    The sequel to the first big XBLA game was released last night and is getting positive reviews across the board, as expected. Here are some of the reviews floating around on the net.

    Giant Bomb 5/5

    Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 adds new modes and elements that make it significantly better than both its predecessor and the scads of dual-joystick shooters that were released in its wake.

    1up A-

    Retro Evolved 2 tries its hand at packing in as much content as possible and re-creating the magic of its predecessor.

    IGN 8.3

    Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 is a solid sequel. Three of the six modes are great fun, with the other three being at least serviceable. But this is a game and a series that is showing its age.

    Team Xbox 9

    For fans of Geometry Wars, this game is a must own. It brings so much new to the table and makes a game that was hard to put down in the first place even harder.

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